1 cerrar
v.1 to close (object) (en general).María cerró la puerta Mary closed the door.2 to close (negocio, colegio) (a diario).el gobierno cerrará dos centrales nucleares the government is to close down two nuclear power stations3 to close.4 to close the door (person).¡cierra, que entra frío! close the door, you're letting the cold in!5 to close (negocio, colegio) (a diario).¿a qué hora cierra? what time do you close?6 to turn off (grifo, llave de gas).Ricardo cerró el agua Richard turned off the water.7 to fill, to block (up) (agujero, hueco).8 to block (carretera, calle).la policía cerró la calle the police closed off the streetcerrar el paso a alguien to block somebody's way9 to close.la orquesta cerraba el desfile the orchestra closed the procession10 to fence (off), to enclose.11 to heal, to close up.12 to close down, to close, to lock up, to shut.Ellos cierran de noche They close at night.13 to block off, to blank off.Los huelguistas bloquearon el edificio The strikers blanked off the building14 to balance out, to match correctly, to check out correctly, to close.Mi contador cierra mis cuentas My accountant balances out my accounts.* * *1 to close, shut2 (grifo, gas) to turn off; (luz) to turn off, switch off3 (cuenta) to close4 (cremallera) to zip (up)5 (un negocio) to close; (- definitivamente) to close down6 (carta) to seal7 (discusión) to end, finish8 (compra) to close, conclude10 (paraguas) to close, shut, put down11 (los puños) to clench, close12 (frontera, puerto) to close; (camino) to block13 (en dominó) to block1 to close, shut2 (punto) to cast off3 (una herida) to close up, heal1 to close, shut2 (una herida) to close up, heal4 METEREOLOGÍA to cloud over5 figurado (obstinarse) to dig one's heel in, stand fast; (ponerse en actitud intransigente) to close one's mind (a, to)\cerrar con cerrojo to boltcerrar con llave to lockcerrar con siete llaves figurado to lock and double-lockcerrar el paso a alguien to block somebody's way, bar somebody's waycerrar el pico familiar to shut one's trapcerrar la boca to shut upcerrar la puerta en las narices figurado to shut the door in somebody's facecerrar las filas figurado to close rankscerrarse de golpe to slam shut* * *verb1) to close, shut2) lock3) turn off4) seal•- cerrarse* * *1. VT1) [hablando de un objeto abierto] [+ puerta, ventana, boca] to close, shut; [+ cremallera] to do up; [+ camisa] to button, do up; [+ cortina] to draw; [+ paraguas, válvula] to close; [+ carta] to seal; [+ costura, herida] to sew upno puedo cerrar esta maleta — I can't close o shut this suitcase
cierra los ojos — close o shut your eyes
cerró el libro de golpe — she banged o slammed the book shut
fila 3), b)•
cierra el pico — * shut your trap **2) (=desconectar) [+ gas, grifo, radiador] to turn off3) (=bloquear) [+ agujero, brecha, tubo] to block (up); [+ frontera, puerto] to close•
cerrar el paso a algn — to block sb's waytrató de entrar, pero le cerraron el paso — he tried to get in, but they blocked o barred his way
4) [+ tienda, negocio] [al final de la jornada] to close, shut; [para siempre] to close, close down5) [+ jardín, terreno] [con cerca] to fence in; [con muro] to wall in6) (=poner fin a)a) [+ debate, narración, programa] to close, endcerrar el sistema — (Inform) to shut down the system
b) [+ desfile] to bring up the rear ofcierra la cabalgata la carroza de Santa Claus — the last float in the procession is the one with Santa Claus
7)• cerrar un trato — to seal a deal
2. VI1) [hablando de un objeto abierto] [puerta, ventana] to close, shut; [bragueta] to do up; [paraguas, válvula] to close; [herida] to close upla puerta cierra mal — the door won't close o shut properly
2) [persona]cierra, que se va a escapar el gato — close o shut the door or the cat will get out
3) [tienda, negocio] to close, shut¿a qué hora cierran las tiendas el sábado? — what time do the shops close o shut on Saturday?
4) (Econ) [en la Bolsa] to close5) [en dominó] to block; [en Scrabble] to use one's tiles up¡cierro! — I'm out!
6) (=atacar)cerrar con o contra algn — to grapple with sb
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) <puerta/ventana> to close, shut; <ojos/boca> to shut, closed) < cortinas> to close, draw; < persianas> to lower, pull down; < abrigo> to fasten, button up; < cremallera> to do up2) <grifo/agua/gas> to turn off; < válvula> to close, shut off3)a) <fábrica/comercio/oficina> (en el quehacer diario, por obras, vacaciones) to close; ( definitivamente) to close (down)b) <aeropuerto/carretera/frontera> to close4) < cuenta bancaria> to close; <caso/juicio> to close; <acuerdo/negociación> to finalizehan cerrado el plazo de inscripción — enrollment has closed o finished
5)a) <acto/debate> to bring... to an end; < jornada> to endb) <desfile/cortejo> to bring up the rear ofc) < circuito> to closed) <paréntesis/comillas> to close2.cerrar vi1) (hablando de puerta, ventana)cierra, que hace frío — close o shut the door (o window etc), it's cold
¿cerraste con llave? — did you lock up?
2) puerta/ventana/cajón to close, shut; grifo/llave de paso to turn off; abrigo/vestido to fasten, do up (BrE)la ventana no cierra bien — the window doesn't close o shut properly
3) comercio/oficina (en el quehacer diario, por obras, vacaciones) to close, shut; ( definitivamente) to close (down)4) (Fin) dolar/peso to close3.cerrarse v pron1)a) puerta/ventana (+ compl) to shut, closela puerta se cerró sola/de golpe — the door closed by itself/slammed shut
b) ojos (+ me/te/le etc) to closec) flor/almeja to close upd) herida to heal (up)2) (refl) < abrigo> to fasten, button up3) ( terminar) acto/debate/libro to end, conclude; jornada/año to end4) (mostrarse reacio, intransigente)se cerró en su actitud — he dug his heels in
cerrarse a algo: sería cerrarse a la evidencia it would be turning our back on the evidence; se cierran a todo cambio — they're not open to change
* * *= close, close down, seal off, shut down, shut off, zip, fold, fold up + shop.Ex. The date due calculated by the circulation programs is always checked against the list of dates the library is closed to ensure that a document is not due when it cannot be returned.Ex. In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.Ex. In the case of vast and rapidly growing copyright libraries where the stock is sealed off from the public, specific classification is not worth the effort.Ex. Cyberattacks involve routers acting at a predesignated time or trigger time and flooding various targeted Web sites with data -- effectively shutting down the Web site.Ex. Advanced design sprinklers shut off water when the fire is out, reducing the risk of water damage.Ex. The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.Ex. By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms = A mediados de los ochenta, dos de las grandes compañías quebraron, pero fueron sustituidas por un puñado de pequeñas empresas independientes.Ex. Why talented and passionate business people so often fold up shop while their less talented, less skilled brethren continue to thrive.----* cerrar con candado = padlock.* cerrar con cierre metálico = shutter.* cerrar con llave = lock.* cerrar con tablas = board up.* cerrar definitivamente = close down + operations, close + Posesivo + doors.* cerrar de golpe = slam.* cerrar de un portazo = slam.* cerrar el catálogo = close + the catalogue.* cerrar el negocio = fold up + shop.* cerrar filas = close + ranks.* cerrar herméticamente = seal.* cerrar las escotillas = batten down + hatches.* cerrar los postigos = shutter.* cerrar muy bien = close + tight.* cerrar un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, conclude + deal.* cerrar una ventana = switch off + window.* cerrar un negocio = go out of + business.* cerrar un trato = close + deal.* ¡cierra el pico! = put a sock in it!.* ¡cierra el pico! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.* ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.* en una abrir y cerrar de ojos = at the flick of a switch, at the drop of a hat.* en un abrir y cerrar de ojos = in a jiffy, in the time it takes to flick a switch, with the flick of a switch, in a flash, in no time at all, in next to no time, with the tip of a hat, in and out in a flash, in a heartbeat, as quick as a wink, in a trice.* en un abrir y cerrar de ojos = in the blink of an eye, in the twinkling of an eye, in a snap.* forzar a cerrar un Negocio = drive out of + business.* obligar a cerrar el negocio = force out of + business, force out of + the marketplace.* paréntesis que cierra = right parenthesis.* que no cierra bien = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.* que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente = resealable.* que se cierra automáticamente mediante un muelle = spring-loaded.* sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) <puerta/ventana> to close, shut; <ojos/boca> to shut, closed) < cortinas> to close, draw; < persianas> to lower, pull down; < abrigo> to fasten, button up; < cremallera> to do up2) <grifo/agua/gas> to turn off; < válvula> to close, shut off3)a) <fábrica/comercio/oficina> (en el quehacer diario, por obras, vacaciones) to close; ( definitivamente) to close (down)b) <aeropuerto/carretera/frontera> to close4) < cuenta bancaria> to close; <caso/juicio> to close; <acuerdo/negociación> to finalizehan cerrado el plazo de inscripción — enrollment has closed o finished
5)a) <acto/debate> to bring... to an end; < jornada> to endb) <desfile/cortejo> to bring up the rear ofc) < circuito> to closed) <paréntesis/comillas> to close2.cerrar vi1) (hablando de puerta, ventana)cierra, que hace frío — close o shut the door (o window etc), it's cold
¿cerraste con llave? — did you lock up?
2) puerta/ventana/cajón to close, shut; grifo/llave de paso to turn off; abrigo/vestido to fasten, do up (BrE)la ventana no cierra bien — the window doesn't close o shut properly
3) comercio/oficina (en el quehacer diario, por obras, vacaciones) to close, shut; ( definitivamente) to close (down)4) (Fin) dolar/peso to close3.cerrarse v pron1)a) puerta/ventana (+ compl) to shut, closela puerta se cerró sola/de golpe — the door closed by itself/slammed shut
b) ojos (+ me/te/le etc) to closec) flor/almeja to close upd) herida to heal (up)2) (refl) < abrigo> to fasten, button up3) ( terminar) acto/debate/libro to end, conclude; jornada/año to end4) (mostrarse reacio, intransigente)se cerró en su actitud — he dug his heels in
cerrarse a algo: sería cerrarse a la evidencia it would be turning our back on the evidence; se cierran a todo cambio — they're not open to change
* * *= close, close down, seal off, shut down, shut off, zip, fold, fold up + shop.Ex: The date due calculated by the circulation programs is always checked against the list of dates the library is closed to ensure that a document is not due when it cannot be returned.
Ex: In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.Ex: In the case of vast and rapidly growing copyright libraries where the stock is sealed off from the public, specific classification is not worth the effort.Ex: Cyberattacks involve routers acting at a predesignated time or trigger time and flooding various targeted Web sites with data -- effectively shutting down the Web site.Ex: Advanced design sprinklers shut off water when the fire is out, reducing the risk of water damage.Ex: The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.Ex: By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms = A mediados de los ochenta, dos de las grandes compañías quebraron, pero fueron sustituidas por un puñado de pequeñas empresas independientes.Ex: Why talented and passionate business people so often fold up shop while their less talented, less skilled brethren continue to thrive.* cerrar con candado = padlock.* cerrar con cierre metálico = shutter.* cerrar con llave = lock.* cerrar con tablas = board up.* cerrar definitivamente = close down + operations, close + Posesivo + doors.* cerrar de golpe = slam.* cerrar de un portazo = slam.* cerrar el catálogo = close + the catalogue.* cerrar el negocio = fold up + shop.* cerrar filas = close + ranks.* cerrar herméticamente = seal.* cerrar las escotillas = batten down + hatches.* cerrar los postigos = shutter.* cerrar muy bien = close + tight.* cerrar un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, conclude + deal.* cerrar una ventana = switch off + window.* cerrar un negocio = go out of + business.* cerrar un trato = close + deal.* ¡cierra el pico! = put a sock in it!.* ¡cierra el pico! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.* ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.* en una abrir y cerrar de ojos = at the flick of a switch, at the drop of a hat.* en un abrir y cerrar de ojos = in a jiffy, in the time it takes to flick a switch, with the flick of a switch, in a flash, in no time at all, in next to no time, with the tip of a hat, in and out in a flash, in a heartbeat, as quick as a wink, in a trice.* en un abrir y cerrar de ojos = in the blink of an eye, in the twinkling of an eye, in a snap.* forzar a cerrar un Negocio = drive out of + business.* obligar a cerrar el negocio = force out of + business, force out of + the marketplace.* paréntesis que cierra = right parenthesis.* que no cierra bien = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.* que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente = resealable.* que se cierra automáticamente mediante un muelle = spring-loaded.* sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.* * *cerrar [A5 ]vtA1 ‹armario/puerta/ventana› to close, shutcerró la puerta de un portazo she slammed the doorcierra la puerta con llave lock the door2 ‹ojos/boca› to shut, close3 ‹maleta› to close; ‹sobre/paquete› to seal4 ‹botella› to put the top on/cork in; ‹frasco› to put the top ( o lid etc) onun frasco herméticamente cerrado an airtight container5 ‹paraguas› to close, put … down; ‹abanico› to close; ‹libro› to close, shut; ‹puño› to clench; ‹mano› to close6 ‹cortinas› to close, draw; ‹persianas› to lower, pull down; ‹abrigo› to fasten, button up, do up ( BrE)ciérrame la cremallera can you zip me up?, can you do my zip up? ( BrE)B ‹grifo› to turn off; ‹válvula› to close, shut off; ‹agua/gas› to turn offC1 ‹fábrica/comercio/oficina› (en el quehacer diario) to close, shut; (por obras, vacaciones) to close; (definitivamente) to close, close down2 ‹aeropuerto/carretera› to close; ‹frontera› to closela calle está cerrada al tráfico the street is closed to traffic3 ‹terreno› to fence offD1 (en labores de punto) to cast off; (en costura) to sew up2 ( fam) (al operar) to close … upE1 ‹plazo/matrícula›han cerrado el plazo de inscripción the enrollment period has closed o finished2 ‹cuenta bancaria› to close3 ‹caso/juicio› to close; ‹acuerdo/negociación› to finalizeF1 (poner fin a) ‹acto/debate› to bring … to an end; ‹jornada› to endantes de cerrar nuestra programación de hoy … before ending today's programs …, before bringing today's programs to a close …los trágicos acontecimientos que han cerrado el año the tragic events with which the year has endedestas declaraciones cerraron una jornada tensa these statements ended o came at the end of a tense day2 ‹desfile/cortejo› to bring up the rear of3 ‹circunferencia› to close up; ‹circuito› to close4 ‹paréntesis/comillas› to close■ cerrarviA(hablando de una puerta, ventana): cierra, que hace frío close o shut the door ( o window etc), it's cold¿cerraste con llave? did you lock the door?, did you lock up?B «puerta/ventana/cajón» to close, shut; «grifo/llave de paso» to turn off; «abrigo/vestido» to fasten, do up ( BrE)la puerta no cierra bien the door won't shut o close properly, the door doesn't shut o close properlyesta botella no cierra bien I can't get the top back on this bottle properly, the top won't go on properly¿la falda cierra por detrás o por el lado? does the skirt fasten at the back or at the side?C «comercio/oficina» (en el quehacer diario) to close, shut; (por obras, vacaciones) to close, shut; (definitivamente) to close, close down, shut down¿a qué hora cierran? what time do you close?no cerramos al mediodía we are open o we stay open at lunchtime, we don't close for lunch[ S ] cerramos los lunes closed Mondays, we are closed on MondaysD (en labores de punto) to cast offE ( Fin) to closeel dólar cerró a … the dollar closed at …F (en dominó) to block; (en naipes) to go out■ cerrarseA1«puerta/ventana» (+ compl): la puerta se cerró de golpe/sola the door slammed shut/closed by itself2 «ojos» (+ me/te/le etc) to closese me cierran los ojos de cansancio I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open3 «flor/almeja» to close up4 «herida» to heal, heal up, close upC (terminar) «acto/debate» to end, conclude; «jornada» to endel libro se cierra con unas páginas dedicadas a … the book ends o closes o concludes with a few pages on the subject of …otro año que se cierra sin que se resuelva another year ends o comes to an end without a solutionD(mostrarse reacio, intransigente): se cerró y no quiso saber nada más she closed her mind and refused to listen to any more about itse cerró en su actitud he dug his heels incerrarse A algo:sería cerrarse a la evidencia negar que … we would be turning our back on the evidence if we were to deny that …se cerró a todo lo nuevo she refused to consider anything new, she closed her mind to anything new* * *
cerrar ( conjugate cerrar) verbo transitivo
‹ojos/boca› to shut, close;
‹ frasco› to put the lid on;
‹ sobre› to seal
‹ libro› to close, shut;
‹ puño› to clench
‹ persianas› to lower, pull down;
‹ abrigo› to fasten, button up;
‹ cremallera› to do … up
‹ válvula› to close, shut off
( definitivamente) to close (down)
d) ‹acto/debate› to bring … to an end
verbo intransitivo
1 (hablando de puerta, ventana):
¿cerraste con llave? did you lock up?
2 [puerta/ventana/cajón] to close, shut
3 [comercio/oficina] ( en el quehacer diario) to close, shut;
( definitivamente) to close (down)
cerrarse verbo pronominal
2 ( refl) ‹ abrigo› to fasten, button up;
‹ cremallera› to do … up
3 [acto/debate/jornada] to end
I verbo transitivo
1 to shut, close
(con llave) to lock
(un grifo abierto) to turn off
(el ordenador) to turn off, switch off
(subir una cremallera) to do up
(un sobre) to seal
(los puños) to clench
2 (un negocio temporalmente) to close
(definitivamente) to close down
3 (un trato, un acuerdo) to finalize
(liquidar una cuenta bancaria) to close
4 (un acceso, un servicio de transporte) to close
(bloquear) cerrarle el paso a alguien, to block sb's way
II verbo intransitivo
1 to close, shut
2 (un negocio temporalmente) to close
(definitivamente) to close down
♦ Locuciones: familiar cerrar el pico, to shut one's trap
' cerrar' also found in these entries:
- abrochar
- cerrada
- cerrado
- cierre
- ojo
- pico
- sellar
- amabilidad
- bondad
- canilla
- cierra
- cierro
- correr
- cuenta
- doble
- grifo
- junta
- juntar
- llave
- paréntesis
- trato
- bargain
- barricade
- block in
- bolt
- clinch
- close
- close down
- closed
- draw
- enter into
- fasten
- fasten down
- lock
- lock up
- padlock
- push to
- seal
- seal off
- seal up
- secure
- shut
- shut down
- shut up
- slam
- snap
- stick together
- strike
- tight
- to
- trice
- turn off
- twinkling
- wall in
- whisk away
- whisk off
- wind up
- zip up
- board
- business
- cast
- conclude
- fold
- main
- time
- turn
- will
- wind
- wrap
- zip
* * *♦ vt1. [en general] to close;[puerta, cajón, boca, tienda] to shut, to close; Informát [archivo] to close; [con llave] to lock; [grifo, llave de gas] to turn off; [botella] to put the top on; [tarro] to put the lid o top on; [carta, sobre] to seal; [cortinas] to draw, to close; [persianas] to pull down; [agujero, hueco] to fill, to block (up); [puños] to clench;cerrar una puerta con llave to lock a door;cierra el gas cuando salgas turn the gas off when you leave;una corriente de aire cerró la puerta a draught blew the door shut;Fam¡cierra el pico! shut your trap!2. [negocio, colegio] [a diario] to close;[permanentemente] to close down;el gobierno cerrará dos centrales nucleares the government is to close down two nuclear power stations3. [vallar] to fence (off), to enclose;cerraron el balcón para convertirlo en comedor they closed o walled off the balcony and converted it into a dining room4. [carretera, calle] to close off;también Figcerrar el paso a alguien to block sb's way;una valla les cerraba la salida a fence blocked their way out5. [manifestación, desfile] to bring up the rear of;cerrar la marcha [ir en última posición] to bring up the rear;la orquesta cerraba el desfile the orchestra closed the procession6. [gestiones, acuerdo] to finalize;han cerrado un trato para… they've reached an agreement o made a deal to…;cerraron el trato ayer they wrapped up the deal yesterday;cerraron las conversaciones sin ningún acuerdo they ended the talks without reaching an agreement7. [cicatrizar] to heal, to close up9. [circunferencia, círculo] to complete;10. [signo ortográfico] to close;cerrar comillas/paréntesis to close inverted commas/brackets11. [posibilidades] to put an end to;el último atentado cierra cualquier esperanza de acuerdo the most recent attack puts an end to any hopes of an agreement12. [terminar] to close;el discurso del Presidente cerró el año legislativo the President's speech brought the parliamentary year to a close;esta corrida cierra la temporada taurina this bullfight rounds off the bullfighting season;cerró su participación en el torneo con una derrota they lost their last game in the tournament13. [plegar] to close up;cerró el paraguas he closed his umbrella14. Prensael periódico cerró la edición más tarde de lo normal the newspaper went to press later than usual♦ vi1. [en general] to close;[tienda] to close, to shut; [con llave, pestillo] to lock up;este cajón no cierra bien this drawer doesn't shut properly;la Bolsa cerró con pérdidas the stock market closed down several points;RP Fam¡cerrá y vamos!: si no quieren ayudarnos, ¡cerrá y vamos! if they don't want to help us, let's not waste any more time over this2. [persona] to close the door;¡cierra, que entra frío! close the door, you're letting the cold in!;me olvidé de cerrar con llave I forgot to lock the door3. [negocio, colegio] [a diario] to close;[definitivamente] to close down;¿a qué hora cierra? what time do you close?;la biblioteca cierra a las ocho the library closes at eight;cerramos los domingos [en letrero] closed on Sundays4. [en juego de cartas] to go out;[en dominó] to block5. [herida] to close up, to heal* * *I v/tcerrar con llave lock;cerrar de golpe slam;cerrar al tráfico close to traffic2 tubería block3 grifo turn off5 acuerdo closela puerta no cierra bien the door doesn’t shut properly;al cerrar el día at the end of the day* * *cerrar {55} vt1) : to close, to shut2) : to turn off3) : to bring to an endcerrar vi1) : to close up, to lock up2) : to close down* * *cerrar vb1. (en general) to close / to shut¿a qué hora cerráis? what time do you close?2. (con llave) to lock¿has cerrado la puerta con llave? have you locked the door?3. (gas, grifo) to turn off
См. также в других словарях:
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